Thursday, September 26, 2013

Create a Student Tech Team at Your School!

I have just published a second public iTunes U course called, Create a Student Tech Team at Your School!

This course is designed to introduce you to an array of possibilities for establishing a student tech team at your school. Tech team faculty moderators from California, Colorado, Indiana, Colorado, Maine, Michigan have contributed to this collection. As you progress through this course you will find that teams of students are performing important functions such as . . . .

*Providing the school community with online tutorials.

*Troubleshooting at the IT service desk.

*Supplying tutoring for students and staff

*Conducting the technology orientation for incoming students.

Thus, this course is about possibilities rather than a step-by-step instructional manual.  I hope to continue to update and build this collection.  If your tech team has something to share, please contact me. 

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