Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Project Booth

As the year ends, I am re-posting my five most popular 2011 musings.  This one was ranked #3 in page views and recalls meeting two of the finest educators I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

In January, i spent six weeks in Texas,  first consulting with the Belton ISD and then working with the CBL Implementation team.  It was an exciting experience with extraordinary networking opportunities.  I workshopped with CBL teams from Ohio and Illinois.  I hung out with with folks who are impacting education on the international scene and halls of Washington D.C.  But my most precious hour of conversation was with Mary Kay Zeeb and Mark Labouchere from the Arizona School of the Arts. 

The three of us were assigned to give a fifteen minute presentation on the potential role of video reflection in CBL.  We took care of this in about five minutes-- since we discovered that we were completely "on the same page."  But then, we simply chatted about education and how our commitment to CBL had impacted us and our students.  They were so far ahead of me in terms of immersion and experiment with the CBL process.

They have given me permission to share one such endeavor.  Their students were embarking on challenges and had just gained access to two classroom Macbooks.  The teachers wished to record student reflections using Photobooth, but the logistics posed a challenge.  The teacher solution?  Give the students a challenge to create reflection booths.  How fun!  Their idiosyncratic endeavors are pictured here. And then play the movie to see the booths in action.  Already, since meeting with Mark and Mary Kay, I am even more inclined to turn critical challenges over to the student or teacher teams I am mentoring, rather than simply try to resolve the challenge myself.

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