Challenge Based Learning Projects
Back in October I left my comfort zone and launched a CBL . Five groups were challenged to "create an authentic medium for strengthening democracy." The results are coming in via group presentations. I am thrilled about many aspects of this new adventure, and I will reflect in detail about this at the beginning of the new year, but for now I would say that the strength has been the creation of surprisingly authentic and highly intelligent solutions to the challenge. There have been hiccups with the research and process. Overall, I am thrilled with the results and look forward to sharing more after we have more thoroughly processed the experience.
Blogs about Vlogs
Last year, my experiment with blogging on vlogs went so well that I decided to expand the project. This semester we have had ten vlogging activities. Of these, students have been required to participate in eight for an "A." I still love the activity, but I may have overdone the number. I have a very largehttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1812217222251052574&postID=5940559454163544895 class (28). And with so much writing, students who come in late to the discussion have little to add. With eight to complete, I think it has become more of a chore. Additionally, without an election/inauguration, like last year, students have been far less focused on current events. The subjects of the blogs have instead concerned social problems which are less obviously political. I will probably scale back a tad on this one.
The Digital Anthology
My digital anthology has been the centerpiece of three of my presentations MAME, MAPSA, and our staff. I am very proud of this creation and it has become a very natural, vital part of the course. Any drawbacks? Yes. I am surprised my how little I have updated the anthology since I worked on it last summer. One of the stregnths of the anthology is the ability to change it on the fly. But I have found myself with little time or inclination to do so. So it has operated in this respect more like a bound book. But given my hard work last summer, it's relatively current. And of course it is free. I'll make updating a summer project, I guess.
Screen capture of Group #1 CBL "Operation iVote" web site home page. Rosie created the page.
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