Sitting at your desk and having kids come to you more often? Bees don't wait to flowers to come to them for pollination. -- Kevin Honeycutt
Students can download any student created iBook from our card catalog. The process of creating content for a class places students into the drivers seat. I often find that students do a better job of explaining difficult content and have directed struggling students to “check-out” another students book for extra help. Student authors are empowered and engaged because the work has meaning (unlike worksheets and term papers). --Casey Veatch
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Silhouhette of Jaspers* |
Both student and teacher are unhappy when chained to curricula and syllabi, to tests and mediocre standards. An atmosphere of uninspired and uninspiring common sense may well produce satisfactory mastery of technical “know how” and testable factual information. Such an atmosphere, however, stifles genuine understanding and the spirit of adventure in research. --Karl Jaspers
"Great teachers have high expectations for their students, but higher expectations for themselves." -- Todd Whitaker
However, technology is quickly changing the role and responsibilities of teachers. Today, we must be willing to be challenged, take risks, learn new methods, and embrace creativity and innovation. It is in these difficult and vulnerable moments when the most learning occurs for both us and our students.” -- Anthony DiLaura
What you ought to be learning at school is that you don't need to be taught in order to learn. -- Seymour Papert
*from Wikicommons
1 comment:
The Jaspers quote is right on. The best classes I have taken at K college are those where the paper copy of my syllabus is covered in scratch marks. This happens when professors change the direction the class to meet student interest and encourage better discussion.
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