Monday, October 12, 2009

Under Pressure

Today, at 8:20 am I will be addressing our Curriculum Council (primarily department heads) , giving them a snapshot of the staff in-service I will be leading on Personal Learning Networks. This is what I will be telling them:

The way information is being accessed and shared is changing radically. Students must learn to access and critically evaluate information. They need to learn new skills for communicating and collaborating. But how can we teach them unless we too are plugged in?

The in-service will provided a three step program:
1) Guided Exploration of some social media (Twitter, Diigo , Ning , WikiSpaces)
2) The PLN
3) Collaboration through Digital Anthologies

In addition to three taut presentations, the day will included two extended playing/brainstorming sessions. The approach will emphasize fun, exploration, and a purposeful outcome. A wide open feedback channel will be featured (via Twitter)

I am asking the chairs to pitch this to their departments with a positive attitude, emphasizing that there will be something for everyone and that our kids really need help plugging into networks. We are trying to develop a school technology culture and we need everyone to buy in.
I'm going to mention that the usual reasons to be negative about in-service won't work this time. I won't be talking down to anyone. I have no hidden agenda. Every department has something to gain. I have everything to lose, since I will be back in the ranks, slogging away with the rest of them the next day.

I will be interested in their responses....and as always, yours.

"Under Pressure" Flickr Creative Commons photo by Tattooed JJ


Rick said...

Excellent! Another important element is the link between teachers and parents... I always appreciate a teacher who makes it easy for parents to communicate with the teacher and/or follow what is going on in the classroom.

bobsophist said...

And maybe you can use the honorarium they will be giving you to buy a few apps from the Apple App Store.

Detroit Sports Dork said...

I'm getting ready to make the rounds with a team of four sharp colleagues who are helping me with the social media piece of the in-service. We're all learning the stuff together, and fortunately the fun of it is "honorarium" enough.

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