Flip your classroom with instructional screencasts
If your class is reviewing key concepts about the Civil War, for example, you could use a screencast to reference historical photos on the Library of Congress website while correlating the key concepts students need to master for their final assessments. In math, you could use programs such as SMART Notebook to provide virtual paper and pen to work through complex algorithms, explaining each step of the process.
What You Need To Know (So Far) About Periscope
The ability to reuse and repurpose the broadcasts may ultimately make this my iPhone video cam of choice for our studio and brings another layer to the potential of Periscope. This will be more effective when landscape mode is available which is coming soon . . . . But in the meantime it’s nice that you can easily download your broadcast as a video to your device with the touch of a button in the app.
How Leadership Can Make or Break Classroom Innovation
In addition to setting the tone for nimble and progressive teaching that’s geared towards what students need most, school leaders can also find ways to integrate technology in smart ways that work on the same goals. And they can help to remove roadblocks when necessary.
New Research Shows Free Online Courses Didn't Grow As Expected
One of the biggest MOOC platforms, edX, is run jointly as a nonprofit by Harvard and MIT. And researchers at both schools have been poring over the data from everyone who participated in 68 courses over more than two years. That's 10 million participant-hours. Here's what they found. . . .
Filmmaking for Kids: Rough, Raw, and Real
There’s a big difference between being tech savvy and knowing how to leverage that technology. . . .Realizing that you can use this technology to have fun and share personal moments, and be socially engaged with your friends, is one thing—but to use this technology at a more powerful level, to communicate with people who perhaps don’t know you. . . .It can change opinions, educate, and inform.
We Have To Stop Pretending… #MakeSchoolDifferent
We have to stop pretending….That teachers have a choice in using technology as a tool for teaching and learning. . . .
That content which is being taught is more important than teaching students how to curate, critically think, communicate, collaborate, and create as life long skills.