Ordinarily if I post links to sites that I find interesting, the subject is educational technology. Recently, I have come across articles on more general technology topics that I would like to share. I hope you find them as interesting as I did.
How one man’s private files ended up on Apple’s iCloud without his consent
The once-clear line between devices – such as Macs or iPhones – and proprietary cloud services is all but vanishing, security experts warn. And it isn’t just Apple doing it. Microsoft, Google and others increasingly are relying on cheap, easily accessible storage capacity to roll out new features for customers. Apple’s automatic saving function allows users to switch seamlessly between devices, without fear of losing documents or edits.
Luddite |
Your Professor Isn’t a Lazy Luddite
While exceptions exist, research shows again and again that when people are staring at a screen, or skip-jumping through a bajillion websites and apps, they are not learning well. Yes, college students are adults, and if they choose to spend class on whatever the new thing to replace Snapchat is, that’s their prerogative—but when it comes to course design, it is still the professor’s job to prioritize student learning.
Surprise! Twitter is not Facebook
Twitter, unfairly or not, it is always going to be compared to another much larger social network. To paraphrase the late Lloyd Bentsen in that famous 1988 vice presidential debate with Dan Quayle, Twitter is no Facebook.
Cord-Cutters Rejoice: CBS Joins Web Stream
The moves signal a watershed moment for web-delivered television, where viewers have more options to pay only for the networks or programs they want to watch — and to decide how, when and where to watch them. Rapidly fading are the days in which people pay an average of $90 a month for a bundle of networks from a traditional provider.
Cloud Computing Is Forcing a Reconsideration of Intellectual Property
Last month, Facebook, Google, Walmart’s online operation and others announced a consortium with a goal of enabling new versions of software to be released multiple times a day. They used to come out every few years.
Hoping to move even faster against his competitors, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, three years ago took the unusual strategy of open-sourcing not software, but computer hardware
The Sun & The Earth: Crash Course Big History #3