Sunday, May 11, 2014

How Teaching Is Changing, Educators Flooding Twiiter-sphere, and Must-Have Apps

How Teaching Is Changing
The Old: Delivering content shaped for universal consumption

The New: Modeling affection and curiosity

The Difference: Truly valuing how students think

Twitter Exec Reports that Educators Dominate the Twitter-sphere
Educators like to tweet! Out of the 1/2 billion tweets that post every day, 4.2 million are related to education, according to Brett Baker, an account executive at To put this in perspective, while you read this past sentence, over 3,000 edu-related tweets have flown across the Twitterverse.

Stop talking tech: 3 tips for pedagogy-based coaching
Many tech coaches feel pressured to be the expert in the room, especially when it comes to technology. However, it’s often more effective to approach teachers as learning partners. By asking questions about specific learning activities and areas where a teacher might be interested in collaborating, coaches can provide a more personalized learning experience.

Top 10 Apps in an Established 1:1 iPad School
Showbie allows you to assign, collect and review student work. As a tool it meets a demand that used to be supplied by a school VLE. The difference here is the ability to ‘open in’ a multitude of apps to create content or provide feedback. A couple of taps sees a student assignment opened and annotated with audio feedback or viewed in the teachers app of choice. It is then just as simple to return the assignment to the student for immediate viewing. Showbie works very well with larger classes where the transfer of information is common and often.

How to turn your iPad into a desktop with these remote access apps
The following guide is intended for individuals that have a single desktop computer sitting at home that they personally use and wish to access from across the internet on their iPad.

10 Must-Have Free Math Apps
MyScript Calculator
Math vs Zombies for Fluency
Coordinate Grid for iPads

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