Flipping For Your Faculty...It's Easier Than Videos
We've all been there. Those meetings that drag on, and on, and on. Seemingly pointless meetings that, while they may have had a purpose, it got lost in the message. Many meetings are just information transfer. . . . . . . . .We complain we don't have the time for that really good PD. Why? Because we are meeting all the time. So instead, lets flip it. Let's front load with all the basic information we all need, freeing up that faculty meeting time for more learning, PLCs, sharing, etc.
Teaching with...Historic Newspapers from the Library of Congress
From the Library of Congress
Newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries are rich sources of informational text in a dizzying array of formats. In a typical paper from 1900 , you might find factual reporting, fire-breathing editorials, biographical profiles, literary nonfiction, weather reports, box scores, charts, graphs, maps, cartoons, and a poem about current events—maybe even all on the same page! The subjects covered allow for connections across the curriculum, and the stories can prompt explorations of point of view, interpretation of language, analysis of an argument, and textual structure.
Those clips didn't get Mike Rice fired as much as the reaction did
The same thing . . . happened to Ohio State's Jim Tressel, Penn State's Joe Paterno and Tennessee's Bruce Pearl, just to name a few other fallen coaches. The court of public opinion has always been strong. But it's stronger than ever now because of the 24-hour news cycle and impact social media can make. So when Twitter caught hold of the Rice video, that was the beginning of the end, and the end was never going to be too far away from Tuesday afternoon.
Supporting Deep Conceptual Learning With Technology
Deep conceptual learning is a distinct learning approach from surface learning, which is characterized by memorization, rote learning, and unquestioning acceptance of textual information. In deep conceptual learning, learners take what they know--aka prior knowledge--and deepen their understanding of the concepts. Some authors call people who seek deep conceptual learning "learners" and those who skim the surface "students."
SEC gives OK for companies to publish announcements on Facebook, Twitter
“One set of shareholders should not be able to get a jump on other shareholders just because the company is selectively disclosing important information,” George Canellos, acting director of the SEC’s division of enforcement, said in a statement. “Most social media are perfectly suitable methods for communicating with investors, but not if the access is restricted or if investors don’t know that’s where they need to turn to get the latest news.”
Learners Should Be Developing Their Own Essential Questions
Although essential questions are powerful advance organizers and curriculum drivers, the problem is that the essential questions are typically developed by the educator not the learners. The educator may find these questions interesting and engaging, but that does not insure that students will find them as such.