Thursday, July 22, 2010

Great Apps for Educators-- iPhone, iPod touch, iPad

As promised, I'm passing along a set of apps that were recommended to me at the ADE Summer Institute, last week. Some of the language is cribbed from the iTunes store descriptions or reviews.

Dragon Dictation (free iPad & iPhone app)-- Easy-to-use voice recognition. Allows you to speak and instantly see your text message or email messages. This sucker is amazingly accurate. (Last night I dictated an errorless three sentence email).

ProPrompter (Terrific on iPad, but also available on iPhone). This costs $9.99 but turns your iPhone or iPad into a teleprompter with terrific eas. Create a script in “text”, go to the ProPrompter web site. You can then synch with your mobile.

Puppet Pals (for iPad) -- Very fun. Free. Pick your actors and backdrops. Drag them to the stage and hit record. Your movements and audio will be recorded as a movie.

Dropbox -- Free. (iPhone + iPad) -- In a recent post I raved about the usefulness of Dropbox. This app will allow you to share a folder with on any computing device that you use, including your iPhone Touch, iPhone, and iPad.

Instapaper -- IPhone [free/$4.99] + iPad $4.99) - This app allows the user to save web pages for later reading. These are stored for viewing anywhere, including your PC or Mac.

Good Reader -- (iPad & iPhone) $0.99 Several ADEs raved about this. It is a superb pdf reader. works with google docs. Pdfs (and all sorts of other files) conform to your screen with wrap-around text. Great bargain for less than a buck.

“Band” -- This is an iPhone ($3.99) band in a box with a collection of virtual instruments that allows anyone, regardless of musical ability, to go beyond just listening to other people's music on the iPhone or iPod Touch, and actually create music themselves from scratch.

Doodle Buddy (free iPad & iPhone app) -- Allows you or your child to finger paint on your iPhone or iPad. Great fun!

Check back next week for another list!
iPad screenshot from iTunes App Store

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