Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today's Media for "Leadership in Technology EDU 6270

I.  Evernote Presentation


II. Grant Assignment

Rubric for 200 Point Grant Assignment


III. Assessment Driven Curriculum Plan Assignment

Assessment Driven Curriculum Plan (750 points)

Important-- This is so long because it is so specific, not because the assignment is so major. The rubric is exactly aligned with these requirements


For this project you will develop a very narrow, specific Assessment Driven Curriculum Plan.  

The focus will be on using technology to

*assess the effectiveness of instruction

*collaboratively evaluate data,

*communicate feedback to students

*adjust instruction based on this process.

You will plan for a learning module or set of activities within the context of a larger instructional unit that addresses outside district, state or national standards.   Feel free to use actual curriculum that you teach.  For this assignment we are going to stipulate that all teachers have a ChromeBook as do all students in the grade level subject matter.   You may postulate that the school has an LMS system like Moodle or BlackBoard in place or not.    Make those circumstances clear in your summary.

You may complete this project with a partner.  Please let me know by June 20 if you are teaming up with someone.

It is advisable to present this report sectionally in alignment with the requirements, below.  Expected length of report as indicated below: 11-15 pages.

Assessment driven curriculum (assignment edu 6270) from Laurence Baker

                      Link to ADC Assignment Rubric(Click!)


IV. Using SlideShare

44" target="_blank" title="Using SlideShare">Using SlideShare from David Hopkins

V. Ken Robinson Assignment

VI. Life after Death by PowerPoint

PD Presentation Assignment & Rubric:

*Prepare a twenty minute presentation for class.  

 *Include 20 slides that complement your spoken presentation
*No “death by powerpoint”.  The slides should be visually stimulating

*Provide link to website or text copies of plan

*Demonstrate command of your material

* 20 minute minimum description of your plan.  This will not include a tour of your site

*Demonstrate facility with Q & A.

VII.  Space Oddity

Why We Brought David Bowie Into the Classroom
First off, the students LOVED it. It is a very well produced music video, full of incredible images that evoke deep emotion. But, we found that there are so many layers that teachers can go into with this video.

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